Sunday, September 7, 2008

Typing Mania!

A while back,I remember getting so hooked on Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu's anime that I even found a website that translates the novels from Japanese(and maybe Chinese) to English,so that Japanese(and Chinese) illiterate like me could enjoy the novel(from which the anime spawned).That was like...a half a year ago lmao and i could still remember reading the 1st novel's "author's forewords",in which the author, Tanigawa Nagaru, wondered if the amount of words written in one's lifetime is predestined. Now,what if in this digital age, the amount of words we typed are also determined ever since we are born? Hm...

And so, after my second year diploma,first semester chemical examination was over, i went on "quite relaxed" mood for the next exam is only due on thursday.That was like, six more days to go, and any sane lazy student like me would be chillin' out,right? While lurking around the internet, and frequenting the anime blogs that I so love, I stumbled upon this ==> Typing Mania!! <== Play this game, get hooked, and if Tanigawa Nagaru-san was correct, we would all be sitting around the computer looking at the computer screen, not being able to scold ppl noob if they become feeder in DotA, or even chat in MSN. Happy,happy Days =D

You'll stumble upon something quite alike this image once you've load finish (takes a long time,or maybe its because TMNET SUCKS!)

Here are the requirements. Use the directional keys to navigate through the songs. <- and -> to cycle between easier or higher level of songs, and up and down for the selection of songs in that category.

When you choose a song, you''ll also have to wait for the song to load.Well,you know what they say, double the loading time, double the fun~

Most of the song is in Japanese, but here's an example of a Japanese song, but sung in English. Just type in the words in the allocated space. Be aware that the lyric uses real,correct English, instead of the broken, sms forms that we use. Hence the apostrophes " ' ", the dashes " - " and the commas " , " . Heck, theres even a question mark in some of the songs!

There,enjoy playing. Oh, i forgot, while choosing a song , u can press 1,2,3,4,5,6 for different modes of playing. So go on, try and play Lucky Star's OP, Mottoke Sailor Fuku (Hardest, 2nd from bottom) for utter craziness. Bring out you Typing skillz,people!!

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